Legal notice

The collana IT GmbH is responsible for the content of this website.


collana IT GmbH for collana health AG

Lise-Meitner-Str. 14
D-24941 Flensburg


Phone: +49 (0)40 . 80 81 38 040
Fax: +49 (0)461 . 43 055 180



collana health AG

Bahnhofstrasse 24
CH-8001 Zürich



Martin Straumann
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)



There may be links on our website which give direct access to other websites. We are not responsible for the content of any of the linked pages and have no control over their content or ownership. It is not possible for us to comprehensively control the linked websites, especially since changes in content are always to be expected. We do not identify in any way with the content of the linked sites. Should any irregularities or statutory violations on these linked sites come to your attention, please let us know so we may consider removing the link from our site.


Liability insurance details:
Business and professional liability insurance, insurance policy number AS-6206165724 with Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Munich, Germany with a currently valid sum insured of EUR 5,000,000 for personal injury and property damage as well as financial losses per insured event. The maximum compensation for all insured events in an insurance year is twice this sum insured. The public liability insurance is valid worldwide for employees and services of collana IT GmbH.


Data Protection Officer:

Keyed GmbH
Siemensstraße 12
48341 Altenberge
Phone: +49 2505-639797


Design and conception:

h&h brand design |


Picture credits:

Phil Müller Photography
Shutterstock | WOSUNAN
Shutterstock | ESB Professional
Shutterstock | - Yuri A